Sebagai pecinta make-up, merasa senang sekali dapat mencoba Wardah Lightening Beauty Balm Cream yang halal. Menurut brosur yang diselipkan, BB Cream ini memiliki 10 benefits sebagai krim A True Multitasker. Sebelum saya jelaskan, sudah pada tahu apa itu BB Cream? Krim yang awalnya populer di Korea beberapa tahun lalu, sebetulnya memang krim ajaib, karena sudah mengandung serum, moisturizer, primer, foundationdan sunblock. Bisa digunakan hanya sebagai pelembab atau dipakai bersama dengan bedak.
Menurut versi brosur di Wardah, Lightening BB Cream-nya punya keunggulan tersendiri, yaitu :
1. Triple Lightening System, untuk kulit cerah bercahaya.
2. Wajah tampak lebih cerah seketika.
3. Membantu menyamarkan noda dan warna kulit tidak merata.
4. Tahan lama.
5. Extra moisturizer dengan Aloe Vera sehingga kulit terasa sejuk, lembab, dan segar.
6. Perlindungan terhadap sinar UV (sunblock).
7. Anti oksidan sebagai proteksi terhadap radikal bebas, mengurangi efek penuaan dini.
8. Oil free formula.
9. Kulit terlihat lebih halus.
10. Bebas parfum dan paraben, aman bagi kulit sensitif.
Saat saya mencobanya, BB Cream ini memiliki testurnya yang ringan, tidak seperti halnya foundation biasa yang selalu lebih kental dan padat. Awalnya saya mencoba di tangan untuk melihat warnanya, tapi sayangnya milik saya berwarna Light, harusnya memakai warnaNatural yang lebih gelap, karena untuk warna light hasilnya masih terlalu putih pada kulit saya.
Menyapukan BB Cream sebaiknya mengunakan kuas agar lebih merata, dan ternyata hasil Wardah BB Cream adalah matte membuat saya merasa nyaman menggunakannya karena kulit saya yang berminyak. Saya merasa benda ini sangat membantu, karena saya tipe tidak mau repot kalau pagi hari harus bersiap-siap berangkat ke kantor sambil mengurus anak terlebih dahulu, belum lagi jika harus mengantarkan Lola ke sekolah. Wardah BB Cream bisa meringkas banyak ritual pagi dalam sekali pulas. It's like skipping 3 steps in one easy way.
Selain fungsinya yang banyak itu, ternyata Wardah BB Cream sudah mengandung Licorice, Vitamin C dan Vitamin B3 untuk membantu mengurangi proses penggelapan kulit karena sinar matahari. Saat saya mencoba BB Cream ini seharian penuh, ternyata tidak mudah luntur, dan saat dibilas dengan sabun muka biasa, wajah dapat dibersihkan dengan mudah. Tips dari saya, kalau BB Cream kita warnanya terlalu terang, coba memakai bedak yang warnanya gelap, supaya seimbang dan kalau kulitnya berminyak pakailah bedak tabur. Kemudian kalau memakai BB Cream diaplikasikannya searah dengan bulu rambut dan dimulai dari dahi ke hidung lalu pipi. BB Cream ini juga termasuk yang aman dipakai di bawah mata. Jadi kalau mau diaplikasikan ke bawah mata cobalah pakai jari manis, karena tekanannya paling pas.
This product is amazing, dan pastinya punya banyak manfaat dari sekedar foundation atau moisturizer biasa. Dan tentunya karena ini produk halal jadi makin senang make up.
Repurchase? Yess!
As a lover of make-up, was delighted to be able to try Wardah Lightening Beauty Balm Cream kosher. According to the brochure are inserted, BB Cream has 10 benefits as a cream A True Multitasker. Before I explain, already know what it is BB Cream? The cream was initially popular in Korea a few years ago, actually does the magic cream, because it contains serum, moisturizer, primer, foundationdan sunblock. Can be used only as a moisturizer or used together with the powder.
According to the version of the brochure in Wardah, Lightening Cream BB has its own advantages, namely:
1. Triple Lightening System, for brighter skin glowing.
2. The face looks brighter instantly.
3. Help blemishes and uneven skin tone.
4. Durable.
5. Extra moisturizer with Aloe Vera so the skin feels cool, moist, and fresh.
6. Protection against UV rays (sunblock).
7. Anti-oxidants as protection against free radicals, reduce the effects of premature aging.
8. Oil free formula.
9. Skin appears smoother.
10. perfume and paraben free, safe for sensitive skin.
When I tried it, it has testurnya BB Cream is a lightweight, unlike the usual foundation is always more viscous and dense. Initially I tried on hand to see the color, but unfortunately mine Light-colored, should wear darker warnaNatural, due to the color of light the result is still too white on my skin.
Brushed BB Cream should use a brush to be more evenly distributed, and the result is a matte BB Cream Wardah make me feel comfortable using it because my skin is oily. I feel this thing is very helpful, because I do not want to be bothered if the type of the morning had to get ready to leave for office while taking care of children first, not to mention if it should deliver Lola to school. Wardah BB Cream can summarize the many rituals in the morning once asleep. It's like skipping three steps in one easy way.
In addition to the many functions it turns Wardah BB Cream already contains Licorice, Vitamin C and Vitamin B3 to help reduce the darkening of the skin by the sun. When I try BB Cream is a full day, it was not easy to wear off, and when rinsed with plain soap, face can be cleaned easily. Tips from me, if we Cream BB color is too bright, try wearing a dark color powder, so balanced and if the skin is oily wear powder. Then, if you wear a BB Cream diaplikasikannya direction of the fur and starting from the forehead to the nose and cheeks. BB Cream is also included which is safe to use under the eyes. So if you want to be applied under the eyes try to wear the ring finger, because the pressure is most fitting.
This product is amazing, and certainly has many benefits beyond the usual foundation or moisturizer. And of course, since this product is getting excited halal makeup.
Repurchase? Yess!
Menurut versi brosur di Wardah, Lightening BB Cream-nya punya keunggulan tersendiri, yaitu :
1. Triple Lightening System, untuk kulit cerah bercahaya.
2. Wajah tampak lebih cerah seketika.
3. Membantu menyamarkan noda dan warna kulit tidak merata.
4. Tahan lama.
5. Extra moisturizer dengan Aloe Vera sehingga kulit terasa sejuk, lembab, dan segar.
6. Perlindungan terhadap sinar UV (sunblock).
7. Anti oksidan sebagai proteksi terhadap radikal bebas, mengurangi efek penuaan dini.
8. Oil free formula.
9. Kulit terlihat lebih halus.
10. Bebas parfum dan paraben, aman bagi kulit sensitif.
Saat saya mencobanya, BB Cream ini memiliki testurnya yang ringan, tidak seperti halnya foundation biasa yang selalu lebih kental dan padat. Awalnya saya mencoba di tangan untuk melihat warnanya, tapi sayangnya milik saya berwarna Light, harusnya memakai warnaNatural yang lebih gelap, karena untuk warna light hasilnya masih terlalu putih pada kulit saya.
Menyapukan BB Cream sebaiknya mengunakan kuas agar lebih merata, dan ternyata hasil Wardah BB Cream adalah matte membuat saya merasa nyaman menggunakannya karena kulit saya yang berminyak. Saya merasa benda ini sangat membantu, karena saya tipe tidak mau repot kalau pagi hari harus bersiap-siap berangkat ke kantor sambil mengurus anak terlebih dahulu, belum lagi jika harus mengantarkan Lola ke sekolah. Wardah BB Cream bisa meringkas banyak ritual pagi dalam sekali pulas. It's like skipping 3 steps in one easy way.
Selain fungsinya yang banyak itu, ternyata Wardah BB Cream sudah mengandung Licorice, Vitamin C dan Vitamin B3 untuk membantu mengurangi proses penggelapan kulit karena sinar matahari. Saat saya mencoba BB Cream ini seharian penuh, ternyata tidak mudah luntur, dan saat dibilas dengan sabun muka biasa, wajah dapat dibersihkan dengan mudah. Tips dari saya, kalau BB Cream kita warnanya terlalu terang, coba memakai bedak yang warnanya gelap, supaya seimbang dan kalau kulitnya berminyak pakailah bedak tabur. Kemudian kalau memakai BB Cream diaplikasikannya searah dengan bulu rambut dan dimulai dari dahi ke hidung lalu pipi. BB Cream ini juga termasuk yang aman dipakai di bawah mata. Jadi kalau mau diaplikasikan ke bawah mata cobalah pakai jari manis, karena tekanannya paling pas.
This product is amazing, dan pastinya punya banyak manfaat dari sekedar foundation atau moisturizer biasa. Dan tentunya karena ini produk halal jadi makin senang make up.
Repurchase? Yess!
As a lover of make-up, was delighted to be able to try Wardah Lightening Beauty Balm Cream kosher. According to the brochure are inserted, BB Cream has 10 benefits as a cream A True Multitasker. Before I explain, already know what it is BB Cream? The cream was initially popular in Korea a few years ago, actually does the magic cream, because it contains serum, moisturizer, primer, foundationdan sunblock. Can be used only as a moisturizer or used together with the powder.
According to the version of the brochure in Wardah, Lightening Cream BB has its own advantages, namely:
1. Triple Lightening System, for brighter skin glowing.
2. The face looks brighter instantly.
3. Help blemishes and uneven skin tone.
4. Durable.
5. Extra moisturizer with Aloe Vera so the skin feels cool, moist, and fresh.
6. Protection against UV rays (sunblock).
7. Anti-oxidants as protection against free radicals, reduce the effects of premature aging.
8. Oil free formula.
9. Skin appears smoother.
10. perfume and paraben free, safe for sensitive skin.
When I tried it, it has testurnya BB Cream is a lightweight, unlike the usual foundation is always more viscous and dense. Initially I tried on hand to see the color, but unfortunately mine Light-colored, should wear darker warnaNatural, due to the color of light the result is still too white on my skin.
Brushed BB Cream should use a brush to be more evenly distributed, and the result is a matte BB Cream Wardah make me feel comfortable using it because my skin is oily. I feel this thing is very helpful, because I do not want to be bothered if the type of the morning had to get ready to leave for office while taking care of children first, not to mention if it should deliver Lola to school. Wardah BB Cream can summarize the many rituals in the morning once asleep. It's like skipping three steps in one easy way.
In addition to the many functions it turns Wardah BB Cream already contains Licorice, Vitamin C and Vitamin B3 to help reduce the darkening of the skin by the sun. When I try BB Cream is a full day, it was not easy to wear off, and when rinsed with plain soap, face can be cleaned easily. Tips from me, if we Cream BB color is too bright, try wearing a dark color powder, so balanced and if the skin is oily wear powder. Then, if you wear a BB Cream diaplikasikannya direction of the fur and starting from the forehead to the nose and cheeks. BB Cream is also included which is safe to use under the eyes. So if you want to be applied under the eyes try to wear the ring finger, because the pressure is most fitting.
This product is amazing, and certainly has many benefits beyond the usual foundation or moisturizer. And of course, since this product is getting excited halal makeup.
Repurchase? Yess!
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