hari dimana waktu yang paling baik untuk memperbaiki kulit wajah kita? Yes,
karena seharian full, pasti kita menggunakan berbagai produk wajah, dari
moisturizer, foundation/BB cream, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush on,
lipstick, dsb.. Belum lagi debu-debu yang nempel.
Untuk itu kita perlu dan butuh banget
night creamnya Wardah yaitu Lightening Night Cream. Wajah
saya kan termasuk jenis kulit kombinasi, menurut saya klo siang hari, kulit saya
berminyak, tapi klo udah ketemu malam, jadi nya kering banget.
Night when the best time to improve our skin? Yes, because the day of the full, we must use a variety of facial products, from moisturizer, foundation / BB cream, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, lipstick, etc .. Not to mention the dust that stuck.
For that we need and really need her night cream Wardah namely Lightening Night Cream. I face the included combination skin, I think klo during the day, my skin is oily, but When it was evening meeting, so its really dry.
Night when the best time to improve our skin? Yes, because the day of the full, we must use a variety of facial products, from moisturizer, foundation / BB cream, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, lipstick, etc .. Not to mention the dust that stuck.
For that we need and really need her night cream Wardah namely Lightening Night Cream. I face the included combination skin, I think klo during the day, my skin is oily, but When it was evening meeting, so its really dry.
Dapat dilihat tekstur nya sangat
creamy dan padat. Tapi setelah di aplikasikan ke wajah, justru feeling nya
light. Gak usah banyak2, udah cukup untuk wajah dan leher. Jangan lupa lho yaa
dipakai nya sampai di leher. :)
Kelebihan :
1. Melembabkan semalaman.
2. Feeling nya yang ringan dan gak
3. Wangi nya lembut, sama seperti
wangi produk Wardah lainnya.
Rp 30.000
1. Moisturize overnight.
2. Feeling her light and not greasy.
3. Fragrance his tender, the same as other scented products Wardah.
Price: Rp 30.000
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