Kali ini aku mau nggosip tentang lipstick yang murah
meriah tapi nyaman banget dipakai. Lipstik Apa hayo?? Yupss,,,viva lipstick. Bener
banget. Tuh lipstick emang cetar membahenol banget dibibir ku yang sexy ini.
Dibandingin sama merk lain bagiku viva lipstick ini
the bestlah. Kenapa? Karena selain harganya terjangkau, lipstick ini lembab
dibibir, ga bikin kering kerontang. Kadang kan ada tuh pakai lipstick tapi
setelah itu bibir terasa kering n agak mengelupas. Kalau lipstick viva ini
Untuk ketahanan, selayaknya lipstick murah biasa
yah. Kalau nggak dipakai untuk makan, 2-3 jam masih nempel. Kalaupun hilang,
masih tetap meninggalkan sedikit warna dibibir. Tapi kalau dipakai makan, langsung deh bubar jalan!
This time I want a story about lipstick were cheap
but very comfortable to wear. What lipstick behold ?? Yupss,,, viva lipstick.
So true. it was really amazing lipstick on my lips that's sexy.
Comparable with other brands of lipstick viva me is
the best. Why? Because in addition to an affordable price, this lipstick on the
lips moist, do not make dry. Sometimes the lipstick wearing nothing but
afterwards lips feel dry n bit flaky. If it's not lipstick viva.
For resilience, should ordinary cheap lipstick well.
If not used for eating, 2-3 hours is still stuck. If lost, it still left a bit
of color on the lips. But when used to eat, immediately break out
Aku paling suka banget pakai lipstiknya yang no. 10
karna warnanya natural. Ga norak dan yang pasti, nyaman banget dibibir.
Harga antara 10.000 s.d. 13.000
Repurchase? yup
I most loves to wear lipstick no. 10 because the
color is natural. and certainly not tacky, very comfortable on the lips.
Price between 10000 s.d. 13,000
Repurchase? yup
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